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Economic Development Fund Application

A comprehensive written business plan must be attached, which must include the following

Executive Summary, Management & Organization Plan, Product/Service Plan, Marketing Plan,

Financial Plan. Applications with incomplete business plans will not be considered.


Type of Business/Organizaton

(if business is a sole proprietorship)

Other contact(s)/application assistance providers

Have you ever filed personal or corporate bankruptcy?

If yes, please explain

How did you hear about the Glacier County Regional Port Authority's Economic Development Fund?


Type of Project

Grant/Loan Parameters

For Profit Business

No more than $5,000.00 may be requested as grant funds

Small Business Loan cannot exceed $10,000.00

Non-Profit Entities

No more than $10,000.00 may be requested/granted per project

Are you interested in a GRANT or LOAN or BOTH?

Will this project be completed within 12 months after receiving funding?

*Updates of project, along with report upon completion will be required.

Detailed description  of the development project:

Explain need for funding from Glacier County Regional Port Authority:

Please describe other funding sources and amounts for this project:

If awarded a grant or loan, please explain how you will recognize the Glacier County Regional Port Authority in your project or business:


I have willfully furnished this confidential information to the Glacier County Regional Port Authority for the purpose of applying for a loan/grant.I understand that this information will be reviewed by the Port Authority Board. I further understand that this information will become available to the Economic Development Fund Review Committee.

By signature below, I certify that this business/organization and the project proposed are in compliance with local, state and federal laws and guidlines.

Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

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