Glacier County Economic Development
About the Port Authority
What is the Port Authority?
As the name implies, the Port Authority concept began in cities along the ocean and major inland rivers and lakes. Port Authorities provide quasi-governmental services with the ability to move at a much faster pace than government in providing the necessary support to develop and retain businesses. The Montana legislature recognized this by passing laws to support and fund activities of a port authority.
Mission and Vision Statement
Our vision is to be the best resource for business assistance, through collaborations and partnerships, for all communities within and surrounding Glacier County.
The mission of Glacier County Regional Port Authority is to promote, stimulate, and advance the general welfare, commerce, economic development, and prosperity of its region.
What can the Port Authority do?
Promote, stimulate, develop and advance the general welfare, commerce, economic development and prosperity of its jurisdiction and of the state and its citizens;
Endeavor to increase the volume of commerce within the jurisdiction of the port authority and the state through planning, advertising, acquisition, establishment, development, construction, improvement, maintenance, equipment, operation, regulation and protection of transportation, storage or other facilities that promote the safe, efficient and economical handling of commerce;
Support the creation, expansion, modernization, retention, and relocation of new and existing businesses and industry in the state and otherwise stimulate, assist in, and support the growth of all kinds of economic activity that will tend to promote commerce and business development, maintain the economic stability and prosperity of its jurisdiction and of the state, and thus provide maximum opportunities for employment and improvement in the standard of living of citizens of the state;
Promote economic development through the education and training of the region's citizens.
How was the GCRPA formed?
It was established by a joint resolution of Glacier County, the City of Cut Bank and the Community of Browning. All three governments determined that there exists a need to stimulate commerce, develop employment opportunities, and increase taxable valuation in the Community of Browning, the City of Cut Bank and Glacier County.
How is the Port Authority governed?
The County Commissioners, the Community of Browning and the City of Cut Bank appointed nine governing board members according to a prescribed criterion, who will serve staggered 4-year terms, after which the members of the board will be elected.